Public Transportation Kundasang, Sabah

Public transportation Kundasang, Sabah

Public transportation in Kundasang, Sabah. Distance between Kota Kinabalu to Kundasang town is about 96 km. The fastest way to travel is using taxi service but it will cost you around RM 170.00 to RM 210.00. Time of travel is estimated around 1 hour and 30 minutes, depend on the traffic condition. Traffic might not be easy during school holiday.

Arrange transportation to visit Kundasang, Sabah

Plan your trip in advance, At, you can arrange to buy bus ticket, rent a car when you arrive in Kota Kinabalu, join a tour to visit places in Kundasang or charter a van if you’re travelling in group. Select your transport method tab below, and click Book Now.

Bus Schedule from Kota Kinabalu to Kundasang

Bus OperatorBas pertamaBas terakhirMasa PerjalananHariHarga Tiket bermula
TransTedar Express7.30 malam7.30 malam2 jam 19 minitSetiap hariRM 12.00
Amin Jaya Express7.30 pagi7.30 malam2 jam 19 minitSetiap hariRM 12.00
TungMa Express (Kota Kinabalu)8.00 malam8.00 malam2 jam 19 minitIsnin sehingga JumaatRM 32.00
Optis Jaya Express12.30 tengahari12.30 tengahari2 jam 19 minitSabtuRM 37.00
Sida Express8.00 malam8.00 malam2 jam 19 minitSetiap hariRM 43.00
Sabariah Express7.30 pagi7.30 malam2 jam 19 minitSetiap hariRM 49.00

Rent or charter vehicle when in Kundasang

If you are thinking of renting a car, you should do it online. Booking your rental car online it’s easy because it’s just a click away. It’s cheaper because you will not have to spend extra costs getting to the rental offices or even use extra coins making long calls compared to the little amount used for internet. It’s faster and no wastage of time compared to the long queue found in booking centers. The rental cars are fine and in good condition with customized services according to your preference. The cars have air conditions and comfortable seats. Booking the rental cars from is the best thing because it’s reliable and it’s just a few clicks and you are done. It provides varieties with all information for you to choose.

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